"They've asked this question on a Friday, repeated on Tuesday and I am just replying it on a Wednesday."
It is a movie you can not miss. With talented script, fast pace and bold message, it stands out among many recent Bollywood movies. Unlike non-commercial movies, it is entertaining as well as symbolic too. Everything feels so real and true when in the end Naseeruddin Shah reveals his identity. Movie speaks on behalf of all common man in India who are just afraid to go out because of all nonsense created by terrorists. How long will our judiciary system needs to prove Kasab is a terrorist? Do we really need a trial to see whether he was guilty in Mumbai attack or not? As rightly said in the movie - We do not kill cockroaches; we pet them till somebody holds country ransom and finally frees them.
Flawless acting from both maestros Naseeruddin Shah and Anupam Kher does justice with the story. It is a movie with heart and soul, watch it to feel it.