Thursday, August 15, 2013

Yeh Jo Desh Hai Tera

Today I had a long discussion with my roommate about various aspects of Indian administration and responsibility of people in democracy. Somehow our discussion drifted towards better governance in developed nations and why it does not works for India.

It started with why Indians hide tax. He was saying that people are not doing anything unreasonable by not returning tax as he can’t see any change happening to India. His father regularly pays tax and still road in front of his house has pits. There water shortage, sewage problem, electricity problem and many more which he reminded me. His point was fair but we need to see other facet of it. Tax is one of the ways by which government raises fund for development. Majority of people do not pay tax and feel proud about it. The problem is, for every small problem we curse government. Either it is a pile of garbage on the road or electricity cut, straight away we put onus on government. A close observation will reveal that for many of the problems simply we as a civilian of nation are responsible. Even if there is a specified place for garbage, people tend to throw stuff everywhere where ever they like. People are very happy to steal electricity but when there is a cut they will make hue and cry. If we introspect candidly ourselves then you will find, all of us never miss an opportunity to pay a small bribe for bigger legitimate amount which can help Government. In our day today life we misuse so much of electricity and water. We have to realize that with our growing population and living standard unless we do our duty honestly (utilizing resources wisely) it is going to pile up pressure on our Government. I have seen teachers recruited in Government school shy away from their duty. They either not conduct classes or not try to give their best in the class. Most of the development schemes fail because people involved were not performing up to their expectation. Take the case of IITians. Government subsidizes our studies. It invests so much in institution and what many alumni like me is doing? I was working in Australia; paying tax over there and helping it grow. It is simply lack of responsibility. A little effort (tendency) to help Government could make a drastic change in India’s situation.

Our system is infested with corruption and bribery. It is us who take or perpetuate bribery. Even if we are giving bribery, we are basically facilitating the corrupt system. Politicians are laundering money but we are the one who choose then in the first place. If we feel something is not right then why do we not raise voice? When we will stand up and be countable? If we feel politics is filled with corrupt people then why can not we raise a group of clean politicians? It is we who have made India this way and nobody else and we should take full responsibility of it. A country is made by its citizens and unless their citizens care about the country, how it is going to change. Everybody thinks that it does not matter whether he does his responsibility properly or not, as he is just a person. The problem is that everybody (close to 95%) thinks like that. Nobody is going to clean our closet unless we do it ourselves.  So do not think that any of us is less guilty. If you can not do anything, at least not add to India’s problem.

I would like to refer movie “Swadesh”. How well and aptly leading actress says that it is not only Government responsible for India’s growth, every citizen has also a part to play. We are not different from Government. We are Government.

I have seen a positive vibe in the horizon. Many young people (especially many IITians) are thinking about the country. Media has become responsible and judiciary has done some excellent work. I can say this is the beginning and it will take decades to recover properly. Contribute as much as you can. Always remember, “A country is as good as its citizen”.

And he said, it all sounds good, but it is not reality. It may be hard to achieve, but if we all share the same dream then I see no reason that why it can not be achieved. Join politics, public administration or whatever you do, make our dream a reality. Are you with me?